Thursday, August 30, 2007

Agar Jangan Dibenci Teman...

Jika percakapan seru yang berlangsung di kantin tiba-tiba terhenti karena
ada seseorang yang datang, itu tandanya orang itu nggak disukai
teman-temannya. Orang kerap dikucilkan karena nggak atau belum dapat
menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungannya.

Dan, menjalani hari-hari sendiri tanpa teman sangatlah nggak menyenangkan!
Karenanya, kita harus belajar dan pandai-pandai menyesuaikan diri dengan
lingkungan. Ada beberapa trik simpel untuk memiliki banyak teman;

Pertama, jangan sok you know atau sok tahu! Sifat ini sangat dibenci dan
dijauhi karena bisa menyebabkan orang lain merasa digurui. Selain itu, orang
lain juga perlu kesempatan berekspresi. Dan, salah satu bentuknya adalah
menceritakan apa yang pernah dilaluinya dan berbagai pengalaman. Maka
jadilah pendengar setia yang baik. Jangan pernah mendominasi pembicaraan,
cobalah untuk tidak terlalu menonjol dalam setiap percakapan.

Kedua, harus banyak bergaul. Gaul man gaul! Sesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan
sekitar kita. Tapi ingat, selama hal itu adalah situasi yang positif. Jika
teman-teman kita nggak merokok, maka kita harus mengurangi bahkan
menghapuskan kebiasaan merokok. Jika teman-teman selalu belajar kelompok,
maka jangan pernah melewatkan waktu berkumpul itu. Begitu seterusnya.

Ketiga, pandai-pandailah menyimpan rahasia. Keep the Secret. Jika ada teman
curhat, itu tandanya dia mulai mempercayai kita. Jangan sampai kepercayaan
itu dikhianati dengan menyebar gosip yang nggak banget! Pilahlah mana-mana
yang harus dikubur dalam-dalam dan hanya menceritakan kebaikan sobat-sobat
kita. Lagipula nggak semua orang suka gosip dan penggosip. Sebab, mereka
juga tak ingin menjadi korban gosip berikutnya.

Keempat, kita harus tahu kapan harus berpihak dan kapan berhadapan atau
berbeda pendapat. Kita pasti takkan disukai jika tiap kali ada orang lain
yang mengungkapkan pendapat, kita menentangnya. Boleh saja berbeda pendapat,
tapi simpan hasrat itu hanya untuk hal-hal yang prinsip saja. Apalagi
menjurus ke debat kusir yang tak ada habisnya, hindari itu!

Kelima, kita harus selalu sehat jasmani dan rohani. Rawat kebugaran fisik
dan jaga kebersihan hati. Karena dimanapun orang culas, licik dan penipu
takkan pernah mendapatkan tempat.


The topic today is CUSTOMER CARE IN 2020. Just read and smile (and then read again in 13 years)

Operator : "Thank you for calling Pizza Hut . May I have your..."
Customer: "Hello, can I order.."
Operator : "Can I have your multi purpose card number first, Sir?"
Customer: "It's eh..., hold........ ..on..... .889861356102049 998-45-54610"
Operator : "OK... you're... Mr Smith and you're calling from 17 Sunset Drive. Your home number is 4094! 2366, your office 76452302 and your mobile is 0142662566. Which number are you calling from now Sir?"
Customer: "Home! How did you get all my phone numbers?
Operator : "We are connected to the system Sir"
Customer: "May I order your Seafood Pizza..."
Operator : "That's not a good idea Sir"
Customer: "How come?"
Operator : "According to your medical records, you have high blood pressure and even higher cholesterol level Sir"
Customer: "What?... What do you recommend then?"
Operator : "Try our Low Fat Hokkien Mee Pizza. You'll like it"
Customer: "How do you know for sure?"
Operator : "You borrowed a book entitled "Popular Hokkien Dishes" from the National Library last week Sir"
Customer: "OK I give up... Give me three family size ones then, how much will that cost?"
Operator : "That should be enough for your family of 10, Sir. The total is $49.99"
Customer: "Can I pay by credit card?"
Operator : "I'm afraid you have to pay us cash, Sir. Your credit card is over the limit and you owe your bank $3,720.55 since October last year. That's not including the late payment charges on your housing loan, Sir."
Customer: "I guess I have to run to the neighbourhood ATM and withdraw some cash before your guy arrive"
Operator : "You can't Sir. Based on the records, you've reached your daily limit on machine withdrawal today"
Customer: "Never mind just send the pizzas, I'll have the cash ready. How long is it gonna take anyway?"
Operator : "About 45 minutes Sir, but if you can't wait you can always come and collect it on your motorcycle.. ."
Customer: " What!"
Operator : "According to the details in system ,you own a Scooter,...registration number 1123..."
Customer: " ????"
Operator : "Is there anything else Sir?"
Customer: "Nothing... by the way... aren't you giving me that 3 free bottles of cola as advertised?"
Operator : "We normally would Sir, but based on your records you're also diabetic.... ... "
Customer: #$$^%&$@$%^
Operator : "Better watch your language Sir. Remember on 15th July 1997 you were convicted of using abusive language on a policeman... ?"
Customer: [Faints]

strictly mathematical

strictly mathematical viewpoint...

it goes like this:
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:



is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

1+20+20+9+ 20+21+4+5 = 100%

2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.

1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that While Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass kissing that will put you over the top.